Courage Under Fire? or Whining about Free Speech

At first I paid little attention to the Kansas City chiefs kickers speech given at a catholic school graduation. But it has gone on so I couldn’t help but take a look at the controversy. And I must say this guy is making the most of this to me.

He is complaining that the complaints about his speech amount to it being clear that the values of the Catholic Church are hated by many at this time. Ok. This may be true. But then look at the speech. And well the catholic values which he says are timeless. Which means dating back at least a thousand -two thousand years. Gays are committing deadly sins. Which through out these thousand years up until this day in some countries means being sent to jail even death. And then he says to working women he thinks they must be more proud of having children and their families. But shouldn’t the same be said of men. Or is this kicker who is so proud of his faith more proud of kicking a funny shaped ball in a sport for millions of dollars in a sport that ultimately is only for entertainment than he of his wife and kids. I personally am fine with women who chose to stay home and raise a family but also equally fine with women who don’t have children at all and pursue a career.

But to go to a gala called Courage Under Fire because he now feels like he is under fire because he lives in a country that has free speech and a lot of people don’t agree with what he does he feels under fire. Maybe he should think about all of those who have actually suffered because of his beliefs throughout history. Not just those on his side. But those his side have hurt. Not just with their words but with their actions.

Cherry Picking with Bill Maher

Why can’t men and a large portion of white people face the fact that women and people of color still live in a country the United States of America that disadvantages them against most white men. If to all white men.

In this post I will deal with just deal with Bill I am smart and independent thinker Maher. Who couldn’t not handle the Marie movie. I have not seen the Barbie movie and won’t until it hits some streaming service.

But let’s deal with the fact Bill threw out to counter what he saw as the false narrative that there is still a patriarchy for woman to deal with on the work place. Like a fortune 500 company.

In 2022 42% of open board seats of Fortune 500 companies were filled by women. Sounds great. If you don’t think too hard. Or ask follow up questions. Like how many seats were open. I also searched how many women are on Fortune 500 boards. Like suspect he or someone on his staff did and found out the yes you get that stat but the stat you get for total women on boards is for the year earlier and it says that women make up only 30%. Now we don’t no how many people left boards between years. But since being on a corporate board seems to be a very cushy jump I doubt the turnover rate is very high. So I suspect that 42% percent rate of new higher bumped up that 30% overall rate very much. And we must remember some board members are members of the founding families of the companies or other large companies. Like Disney and the Waltons. So wives and daughters and sisters. So you can feel about that as you may.

But to me 30% does not equate to the 42%of some much smaller number, he threw out nor the 50% woman are on the general population. And he should not offer up half assed stats.

And let’s be honest talk about the main power the CEO’s and top executives at these same companies. What percentage are women? And people of color? The ones being paid millions to run the business.

Or if we want to talk about how there is still a patriarchal tilt to the world look at Bill himself. A smug man who isn’t exactly ugly but not good looking who has had his own talkshow on tv for what a couple of decades now on two different channels. Would A woman who wasn’t considered attractive be given the shows he has? And be allowed to say the things he has for as long as he has?